Liquorice Tea and the Health Benefits


Hello and Welcome to JADa’s Tea Lounge

This is a dedicated space for all tea lovers but with a health twist. I mainly focus on the health aspect of drinking herbal tea.

Liquorice Tea is much more than just an amazing tasting herbal tea,  It also has many health benefits which I will show you in this article.

Warning:  Please not that if you drink too much Liquorice Tea you can become dehydrated. 

Make sure that you drink plenty of water when taking this tea.

Liquorice Organic Herbal Root Tea 100g

By Valley of Tea

You Can Check Price and Buy HERE

Organic Infusion Liquorice Tea Bags – 20 tea bags

(Pack of 6)

By Clipper

You Can Check Price and Buy HERE

Licorice Tea Bags (17 tea bags)

Pack of 6 – total 102 tea bags

By  Yogi Tea

You Can Check Price and Buy HERE


About Liquorice Tea

When the word liquorice is used for many people they think of the sweet (candy) that you get in a packet like the image below.

liquorice candy

But it is much more than that.

Did you know that drinking liquorice tea can help with depression and relief anxiety along with being a great tasting herbal tea.  I will also show you some of the other amazing benefits that it has to offer.

Warning:  Please not that if you drink too much Liquorice Tea you can become dehydrated. 

Make sure that you drink plenty of water when taking this tea.


I have listed some of the amazing benefits of drinking liquorice tea below.


Health Benefits of Liquorice Tea

  • Anti-oxidants
  • Anti-spasmodic
  • Helps lower blood pressure
  • Helps treat Arthritis
  • Helps treat colds and flus
  • Treats indigestion
  • Reduces menstrual pain
  • Treats respiratory infections
  • Improves dry skin
  • Helps with seizure disorders
  • Boost immune system
  • Helps maintain liver function
  • Helps maintain kidney function
  • Relieves anxiety
  • Helps with depression
  • Relieves stress

Warning:  Please not that if you drink too much Liquorice Tea you can become dehydrated. 

Make sure that you drink plenty of water when taking this tea.

Great Alternative to Sugar

If you like to sweeten your herbal tea, there are great sugar alternatives that I highly recommend.

You can get more informative from my article on the alternative sugars and their benefits RIGHT HERE.

Thank you for visiting JADa’s Tea Lounge

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I would also like to hear from you and what you think about herbal teas and the benefits that they give to the health of your body.