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This is a dedicated space for all tea lovers but with a health twist. I mainly focus on the health aspect of drinking herbal tea.
Is Tap Water Connected To Liver Disease? The Real Story
To make a perfect cup of tea you need to have pure water that will complement and enhance your tea drinking experience.
Along with enhancing the natural favour of your tea you want to know that what you are drinking is going to keep your body healthy and not make it sick.
I am going to show the truth about our tap water and why you should not be drinking it or using it to make your tea.
I am also going to show you the connection between tap water and liver disease.
Tap Water Connected to Liver Disease
I read recently that ministers were urged to scrap the plans to raise the price of alcohol because a research suggested that household tap water supplies could be linked to liver disease. The plot thickens.
Did you know that the death rate that is connected to liver disease in the UK is one of the worst in Europe and that scientists believe that this could be linked to the quality of our tap water.
It Gets Worse
It has been proven that tap water is heavily contaminated and contain a substance called atrazine, arsenic and other various agricultural over-spills which is very bad news for our health. And on top of all that if our water pipes are made of lead this will increase the problems.
Here’s Why
Our water is stored and treated in a treatment plant, but it still has to get to our taps and so it has to travel from the treatment plant through pipes. Talking from the UK this means that it could be travelling through pipes that have been underground since the Victorian times, meaning that it will be adding even more contamination to our drinking water.
Houses and buildings that were built before say the 1970’s have a strong chance of still having lead pipes in or around your home. This means that there is a pretty good chance that your tap water is filled with heavy metal contamination.
Let Me Show You a Case
In Northamptonshire in the UK, traces of cryptosporidium were found in the water supply of 108,000 properties.
Cryptosporidium is a naturally occurring bacteria that causes gastroenteritis, and especially affects the young and or the elderly.
The Residents were advised that they should boil their water for themselves and their pets.
I have seen news reports, where members of the government were saying that drinking tap water was safer than drinking bottled water. The news report showed a Member of Parliament drinking the water that was taken straight from the treatment plant.
This proves nothing because on thinking about it the water that he was drinking came straight from the treatment plant but had not travelled along pipes. I think this is called fake news.
Also I have read that a researcher that was trying to prove that drinking tap water was safer than bottled water, had to rethink their research the more they investigated. What is that saying?
Is Bottled Water Better than Tap Water?
To be honest many bottled water is tap water. Nuff said…
My Thoughts
Unfortunately it is really hard to find good bottled water these day. I could not even start to say which is better or which is worse.
What do you think?
The amount of contaminates found in tap water that have been connected to so many diseases that this is now a serious health matter.
We are left to sort out these issues ourselves by taking charge of our own health. One way is to change the water that we drink because we need to stay hydrated to live.
I have written articles that you may find interesting which will show you alternatives to tap water and help you start to live a healthier life.
Best Water Distiller for the Home 2019
How to Heal a Body Naturally with Distilled Water
Benefits of Drinking Distilled Water
I have added some videos that I think is a much watch.
What’s In Our Tap Water?
Poisoned Tap Water
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Hi Jennifer, this article is a real eye opener, thanks for sharing a very informative post with us.
Thank you for your visit to JADa’s Tea Lounge I really appreciate it.
Yes when I was researching tap water I found this fact about how tap water affects the liver very interesting, so I just had to share it. I am glad that you found it interesting too.
Hello Jennifer, thank you for the ‘food’ (water!) for thought. I suppose the only real way we ordinary people will know the truth about our tap water is to scientifically test it ourselves. I’m thinking of going back to filtered water.
Hi Faith and thank you for visiting JADa’s Tea Lounge.
There is a lot of research on the poor quality of drinking tap water and the effects on our health. I personally think the way to go is to drink distilled water.
Drinking filtered water is much better than drinking tap water.
Many thanks